“Confessions Friday” – Jamie Gall from Minnesota Girl transplanted into LA

This week’s “Confessions Friday” guest post comes to us from Jamie Gall from Minnesota Girl transplanted into LA. She is an amazing writer and photographer and I am honored to have her guest post. This week’s confession is honest, real and quite sincerely-endearing. Jamie is the kind of blogger that makes a blogging community dynamic and interesting. There is nothing more that I love than different  perspectives. So without further ado, I present to you Jamie Gall’s confession:


I’m 30 and not a mother!

First, I want to thank Desiree for having me Guest post on her blog.  To be honest, this is my first guest post, and I’m so completely honored to be a part of this.  I’m a bit nervous, but am also excited to share a bit of myself with all of you.

It’s funny.  While in my 20’s it didn’t bother me at all.  I was okay with spending the time to figure out who I was, and what I needed out of life, and start down a career path.

But the moment I turned 30, a month ago, my biological clock started ticking.  I realize I’m running out of time.  The next few years are truly my pivotal point in life.  It’s the point where I decide if we’re going to start a family, or we’re going to go down the path of no children.

At this point we still are undecided.  However, now that my biological clock is ticking, and so many of my friends, and all of you lovely ladies I meet throughout the social media world have children of their own, I’m left asking myself, “Am I missing out?”  “What’s wrong with me that I haven’t had children yet?”  “What do I have in common with other women now if I don’t have a child?”  I’m sure having social anxiety doesn’t help with this entire process either 😉

It’s those moments where I go through life and the cute kid pictures are standing out to me even more, where as I read the stories of others with their children I realize I may regret not having children if we do decide to go down this path.

But yet, there is a part of me that constantly feels as if I’m not ready, where I feel as if I’ll never be ready, as if part of me truly believes I’m not fit to be a parent.  But then I shake my head, I know I’m capable, I know I’d have my good days, and those moments where I’d want to pull my hair out, but then in that moment be reminded what was truly important in life, the love ones around me.

I know, in time, the decision will be made.  And when that decision comes, we will both be at peace with it.  However, for now, we’re still undecided, and the days keep going by as I grow older and older.  Then again, I am only 30 😉

Jamie Gall is 30 years old and teetering on a  big life decision. Kids or no kids? I’m looking forward to reading her blog daily and following her along on her life’s journey. Jamie Gall blogs at Minnesota Girl transplanted into LA. You can find her on Twitter too. 


“Confessions Friday” is a series that is all about getting that nagging guilt off your chest whether it be a doosey or something small for the purpose of relating to one another without judgement or criticism. We’re all human and for Cheese sake we’re not perfect.

If you would like to confess something  Email me at: DesireeEaglin@aol.com