From the Archives – Hershey as a wee pup

Originally posted at Sarcastic, Funny and Brutally Honest on March 25, 2009. It’s another post in honor of the dog. Yeah. I KNOW. 


On Sunday (3-22-09) we got our family a chocolate lab! The Husband and I have always talked about getting a chocolate lab for as long as we’ve talked about our future together. We weren’t expecting to get one so soon, but the right ad and the right breeder crossed our paths and we couldn’t resist. We have named our pup “Hershey” and it suits her perfectly. She is a very sweet puppy and she loves The Kid.

We spent a long time at the breeders house to watch the pups and the mom. The mom was very sweet and very gentle. Just what we like in dogs!

It was so cute watching all the pups trying to squeeze in. They had been weaned from their mom, but couldn’t resist: It was really really hard choosing just one pup. The Husband was very specific about what kind of behavior he was looking for and I was trying to choose the “cutest” pup. But they were all cute! If the breeder was running a 2 for 1 deal I would have gotten 2! ha ha. We asked that all the males be brought inside so that we could narrow down our choices (we weren’t opposed to a male dog but the girls were just cute). At first we thought Hershey was a boy because they had given all the boys blue collars. When we found out she was a girl, we chose her! She was very very tired and fell asleep on The Kid’s lap: He talked to her all the way home: This is the cutest picture yet. The Kid was so proud of himself too:

The Husband is a big dog lover. He loves and adores Hershey:Hershey in action:She’s smaller than the weeds!:
Hershey loves to follow The Kid around. He makes it a game from running to one end of the yard to the other:You can never get enough of pictures like this. A boy just needs a dog:
And here is the most recent picture I have taken of the big ol’ doof:

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